India needs a Prime Minister like Doctor Manmohan Singh again.

Today the economic and social structure of India, which had taken a step towards development in a planned way, all of them are moving towards destruction. In some areas the damage is at a peak, on the other hand some areas have come half way to their destruction. There is no region in the country that is not left untouched by the infection epidemic of extermination. Education, employment and social uplift of the poor and low class have been pushed into the trough. The upliftment of these people has gone into the hands of those people who hate and hate their rise and development. The present-day India was no longer the former India which was in the time of former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. Time has become so fragile and bad that even this condition of India cannot be blamed on those responsible.

The foundation of the beginning of this ruin was laid at a time when India had got a settled government and was running India in a planned manner. And this government has been accused that this government is spreading corruption in the country, is not doing development work, the price of petrol is increasing daily, inflation is skyrocketing, the employment of people is smashed, on the country Everyday terrorist attacks are happening, the value of rupee against the dollar is falling in the international market, the poor are not getting employment, education is not reaching the lower classes, in foreign banks People are sending money to the country and many such allegations were made. The allegation was so deep, terrible and conspiracy that a clean and fair personality government of India lost in the electoral arena of democracy. The government failed to explain its honest work to the people of India. The public, while presenting their senseless and naïve face, thought it better to leave this government, which was laying the foundation for their development. Was planning / planning for their rise. Such a scheme was being implemented, which would make India stand in front of the countries which are developed.

How it was possible can be understood as this. The work of providing employment to those people of the country, who were illiterate, had started. For the first time, people started getting employment in the country who do not get any other work except for just wielding a spade. These people cannot fight for their right in their mother tongue. They would be happy only on whatever work is given to them and the wages they get in return. These people did not even know how much money to take for work. For these people, the government came to work and then they came to know how much money to take in exchange for work. Not only this, the government has guaranteed employment that you too have the right to demand so much work / employment from the government. Along with seeking employment, it was also given the right to ask for how much money for that work. These rights were given to those who were not even doing their imagination. In the history of India, this decision of the government will be very good if a page is written in the name of 'Employment Revolution'!

Along with this, Manmohan Singh's government also gave the people the right, so that the public could ask any leader officer, how, when, how much and where you have used the money given by our government for our development. was done ? This right has brought revolution in the country. All the corrupt leaders of the country began to fear this authority. Fearing this right of the people, they started to be honest in their work. The fear of this right of the public spread in such a frightful form that the new government that got India got nervous and it was considered good to change it as soon as it came to power. And this government stabbed the sword in the heart of this right of the people. There was no need for an honest government to manipulate it. This right was working fine with success. Soon the public got this law in the jurisdiction of democracy in the name of 'revolution of authority', it would set a record in Indian history. Only, this right of the people is allowed to remain as it was, but the new government has made a huge change in this right. Such a change has been made, so that the leaders sitting on the highest peak of the country will be able to easily save themselves under this right.

The old government (Dr. Manmohan Singh's government) had taken another right of the people, that was the right to education. Under this, it was decided to educate the children of the country who were deprived of education till date. Parents of the country who were financially helpless in sending their children to school, their children started going to school and they started getting educated. Also, dress, books and food were also arranged for these children. The government reformed India, lagging behind in this area, to a great extent. But the new government, by not investing financially in this right to education, left India behind again. There was a need for immense financial help in the field of "revolution of education", but the new government did not appear to improve it, citing the economic scarcity of the country, following the rules of the British rule.

At the present time, the new government of India has entangled the people of the country in such disputes that people are irked to live by forgetting their rights. The media of the new government of India had given a hard life in telling the Indian public a new note worth two thousand. The media told the public that if a person hides a two-thousand note, the government will detect it through technology. When the country was suffering from an epidemic like Corona, instead of keeping the public alert and responsible, the Indian public was directed to beat the plate and light a candle. In this epidemic, instead of the government providing financial help to the people, our government was seen seeking financial help from the people. For this, the government also sent its bank account to the people of the country, in which the Indian public can send money to the government and can help the Indian government financially.


एक सेल्स मैन का काम कर रहें हैं तो आपको इस एक बात का ख्याल अवश्य रखना चाहिए।

एक कप चाय, मिट्टी वाली में - चाय को पीने में जो मजा है, वो मजा सात समन्दर पार जाकर भी नहीं वो कैसे !