Why are BJP’s people hiding their faces and running here and there in Bihar?

Why are BJP’s people hiding their faces and running here and there in Bihar?

The politics of Bihar heated up when all the high command leaders of Janata Dal United (JDU) suddenly left to Patna for Delhi and reached the capital of India.

After this political incident in Bihar, the people of the villages of the state also came into action and started trying to know the answer to the question that what turn will the politics of Bihar take now. This became a matter of concern for the people.

In this game, supporters of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) played a big role. These people spread the news like lightning in the state that the coalition government in Bihar has fallen. The previous government is back in Bihar.

These BJP supporters started saying in the state that Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar is going with BJP and prominent JDU leader Lalan Singh is going with Bihar's largest party Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD).

The media from Bihar to India's capital Delhi was awash with this news. The special news of this day was that Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar is going to dissolve the coalition government with RJD and form the government again with BJP.

Not only this, all the political experts of Bihar started saying that the government will fall in Bihar. Now there will be BJP government here again. Politically informed people started praising top BJP leaders Amit Shah and Narendra Modi.

People started discussing that the political knowledge of these two leaders led to this huge political upheaval in Bihar and now there will be BJP government in Bihar.

But, nothing like that happened. The RJD and JDU coalition government remains intact in Bihar. The plans of the people of BJP have been ruined. Now people of BJP are running here and there hiding their faces, because these people were caught spreading false and wrong political rumors.

Actually, JDU leaders gathered in the Indian capital Delhi to elect the party president. JDU leaders unanimously chose Chief Minister Nitish Kumar as the new president.                                                     


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