All the bank accounts of Congress have been frozen. Democracy has been locked. Congress||

All the bank accounts of Congress have been frozen. Democracy has been locked. Congress..

A very frightening news has emerged for India's democracy. The news is that all the bank accounts of India's opposition party 'Congress' have been frozen. At the same time, the bank accounts of India's ruling party 'BJP' have not been frozen.

Ajay Makan, who is responsible for looking after the bank account of the Congress party, has made this information public. He made it public in a press conference and said that all the bank accounts of Congress have been frozen.

Ajay Makan told the press that the money donated by people is in the Congress account. The money of Congress which has been frozen by the government is not the money of Electrol Bond, but this money belongs to the donors of India, who have donated less than Rs 100.

At the same time, Electrol Bond money is deposited in BJP's bank account, which has been declared illegal and invalid by the Supreme Court. Here the money in BJP's account should have been frozen, but Congress's bank account was frozen.

Congress says that the election time is coming and the election time is only two-three weeks away and freezing the bank account of the opposition party at this crucial time means freezing the democracy. This has frozen democracy.

Commenting on this incident, Ajay Makan said that democracy has been completely destroyed in India. Democracy has been locked out in the country. It is not that Congress has been locked out, but democracy has been locked out in our country.


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