Modi government is being seen making political and administrative efforts to stop this farmer's movement.

Modi government is being seen making political and administrative efforts to stop this farmer's movement.

Farmer Manjeet Singh martyred at Khannauri border of Delhi, agitation continues - Sources.

It is about to be the seventh day of the struggle of the farmers, who had given the call for the beginning of the movement since the morning of 13th February, in which two farmers have been martyred in this movement and many farmers have been injured, many have lost their eyes. It is a horrifying scene!

The name of the martyred farmer is said to be Manjeet Singh. He was posted at Khannauri border of Delhi and was facing Modi's soldiers. It is being told that Manjeet Singh was associated with BKU (revolutionary).

Manjeet Singh was a farmer living in Punjab state. He comes from Kangthala village of Patiala, Punjab. Even after this, the farmers' fight continues near the Delhi border. These farmers are agitating because they are fed up with the anti-farmer policies of the government.

The situation is that the government is not allowing these farmers to agitate, which is a constitutional right in India. The government and its people are attacking the farmers with tear gas shells, shrapnel bullets and rubber bullets, due to which the condition of the farmers has become bad.

Modi government is being seen making political and administrative efforts to stop this farmer's movement.

The government and its supporters are asking many questions to these farmers of India. Asking the farmers, for whom are they fighting this battle? The people of the government are leaving a mark of defamation on these farmers. A conspiracy is being hatched by the government to defame the farmers.

The scope of this fight of farmers is increasing day by day, it cannot be denied that now this fight is being fought to save the Constitution. The situation is frightening, Modi government is stopping farmers from agitating peacefully, why? This is a scary question for India.


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