The dark truth of the death of three children due to water filling in the basement of RAU's IAS.

The dark truth of the death of three children due to water filling in the basement of RAU's IAS.

The incident of the painful death of three students including Shreya Yadav due to water filling in the basement of RAU's IAS located in Old Rajendra Nagar, Delhi is very unfortunate and sad. The government responsible should discharge its responsibility and take strict action against the culprits.

This incident is very unfortunate. The responsibility for this lies with the people sitting in power. If the government had done its work properly, this incident would not have happened.

After this, a picture is going viral, in which a person named Kishore Singh Kushwaha complained on June 26 against RAU's IAS Coaching for commercial use of the basement, after which reminders were also sent on July 15 and July 22, after which the government administration did not even utter a word.


Now the question arises here that if this complaint was really made, then why did the government and administration not take any action? If action had been taken, the lives of the children would have been saved.

If this complaint has been made for real, then why has the administration not taken any action? It seems that the files of the administration have also gone on strike. Maybe they are waiting for Kushwaha ji to go there himself and lock the place. Or they are hoping that the problem will disappear on its own.

So should it be assumed that the administration has no time for these 'minor' complaints, when they are busy with 'important' work!


एक सेल्स मैन का काम कर रहें हैं तो आपको इस एक बात का ख्याल अवश्य रखना चाहिए।

एक कप चाय, मिट्टी वाली में - चाय को पीने में जो मजा है, वो मजा सात समन्दर पार जाकर भी नहीं वो कैसे !