We have been doing journalism for the last many years. We do independent journalism. We do not do journalism by taking money from anyone personally. Till date, we have been doing journalism at our own expense. Even the government does not provide any kind of financial help to journalists like us.
You all must be aware of the fact that it is not easy to do journalism without money. If it is difficult to live without money, then how can journalism be done? Money is needed to do journalism.
Our wish is that if you all can fulfill the little money needed to do journalism by donating. Donate as much as you wish.
You all can strengthen our journalism by donating a little of your money, you can become a part of our journalism. So donate to us and we will do journalism for you and together build a country with independent journalism.
You all can donate to us through UPI ID- nalanda5news@okicici or the scanned photo below and become a part of our journalism! Jai Hind!
UPI ID- nalanda5news@okicici .