
Showing posts with the label WORLD NEWS

कैसे साफ होगा कि ये मुलाकात गौतम अडानी के लिए किया गया था या नहीं।

कैसे साफ होगा कि ये मुलाकात गौतम अडानी के लिए किया गया था या नहीं! हाल ही में भारत का पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी फ्रांस के दौरा पर गए और उसके बाद अमेरिका को गए। जहाँ पत्रकारों ने मोदी से टेढ़े सवाल किये। अमेरिकी पत्रकार के टेढ़े सवाल को मोदी ने बङे ही नयाब तरीके से और एक अलग अंदाज में जवाब दिया है कि ख़बर सामने आई है। अमेरिकी मीडिया के द्वारा पूछे गए इस सवाल और उसके जवाब के समय भारत का पीएम और अमेरिका के राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रंप दोनों राष्ट्राध्यक्ष उसी मंच पर एक साथ हीं मौजूद थे। मोदी के इस जवाब को सुनकर वहाँ मौजूद सभी लोग दंग रह गए। यहाँ तक की पल भर के लिए अमेरिका राष्ट्रपती डोनाल्ड ट्रंप जी भी अश्चर्य में थे। इतना हीं नहीं अमेरिकी पत्रकार के सवाल से पहले मोदी जी भी अपसेट हुए उनके चेहरे पर अमूल-चूल परिवर्तन देखा गया। लेकिन फिर मोदी जी तुरंत अपने-आप को सम्भाला और अमेरिका पत्रकार को ठोस जवाब दिया। मोदी जी का यह कारनामा जब ये भारत में आया तो भारत में भी इसकी खूब चर्चा हो रही है। इनका यह वीडियो खूब वायरल हो रहा है। मोदी द्वारा अमेरिका पत्रकार को दिये गये जबाव का चारों तरफ से वाह-वाह...

America's Trump Government 2.0 has issued an order for about 18 thousand Indians to return to India.

America's Trump Government 2.0 has issued an order for about 18 thousand Indians to return to India. There is very bad news for Indians from America. The news is such that it can also affect the Indian economy. The Indian rupee can become weaker than before. There can also be a huge decrease in foreign funds. The credibility of Indians going abroad for jobs can also be adversely affected. Indians may also face difficulty in getting citizenship abroad. The news is that Trump's government has been formed in America. As soon as Trump's government was formed, he first attacked the Indians. However, this decision of his is a legal decision. The President of America, Honorable Donald Trump ji cannot be criticized for this decision. Yes, he can be requested and urged. This is his government's decision. Accepting it will be just and democratic too. The news is that the President of America, Donald Trump, has issued an order to about 18 thousand Indians to return to India...

The Hindu Tamples are Saveing By Muslim Community In Bangladesh.

Tample Save By Muslim Community In Bangladesh How is the political coup in Bangladesh affecting Indian politics? There has been a political coup in Bangladesh, Indian politics has heated up. Religion is being mixed in Indian politics, an attempt is being made to give it a political colour. It is natural for some violence to occur due to a political coup. Tension may arise between supporters and opponents of Sheikh Hasina. But it is not right to create tension in India over this, but it is being done. Modi supporters have started trying to create political instability in India. Is it necessary that if there is a political riot in Bangladesh, then that riot should also happen in India, no. Despite this, attempts are being made to do this in India. Modi supporters say that Hindus are being killed in Bangladesh, so these people are becoming adamant on misbehaving with the Muslims of India. So let us know how is the political coup in Bangladesh affecting Indian politics. Pro-India...

Coup in Bangladesh. PM Sheikh Hasina resigned. The interim government will run the country for now.

Coup in Bangladesh. PM Sheikh Hasina resigned. The interim government will run the country for now. A political coup has taken place amidst the ongoing violence in Bangladesh. PM Sheikh Hasina has resigned from her post and the army has come to the front. After Sheikh Hasina's resignation, the Army Chief of Bangladesh has made a big announcement. He has said that we will form an interim government and the interim government will run the country for now. Today Sheikh Hasina has had to flee from Bangladesh. TV channels used to dance to Sheikh Hasina's tune. Courts used to write decisions according to her. She had put two-time Prime Minister Khaleda Zia in jail. She was not even allowed to go for treatment. Not only this, she made Bangladesh opposition-free. She had the illusion that her Mann Ki Baat is the Mann Ki Baat of the entire Bangladesh. Then the public has broken this illusion of hers. Sheikh Hasina has been the Prime Minister of Bangladesh continuously since 2009...